This is a locally based EMDR Basic Training, led by an experienced, highly rated trainer, Julie Miller. Julie was personally trained by Dr. Francine Shapiro, the developer of EMDR therapy, to provide these trainings.
This EMDR Institute Regional Basic Training meets the standards set by the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) and utilizes the materials of the EMDR Institute. Your EMDR training must be approved by EMDRIA if you would like to pursue certification as an EMDR therapist or if you wish to attend any advanced EMDR training. Make sure your EMDR therapy training counts!
This experiential training will familiarize participants with a broad spectrum of EMDR therapy applications sufficient for comfortable and efficient use with a wide range patients and situations. Special attention will be given to the therapeutic needs of clients.
Proactive Commitment to Inclusion & Diversity
The EMDR Development Center welcomes trainees and consultees from all cultural, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds, sexual and gender orientations. This is a safe and inclusive learning environment for all trainees and consultees, including Black People, People of Color, Indigenous People, and LGBTQ People. Issues of cultural competence and culturally-based trauma during are addressed at every phase of this professional training.
Training Format
EMDR Institute Basic Training, as required by EMDRIA guidelines, includes 20 hours of lecture, 20 hours of practicum and 10 hours of consultation. The EMDR Development Center uses the EMDR Institute training materials and is a six-day, three 2-day session program extended over approximately three months. It is equivalent to the more traditional Weekends 1 and 2 of EMDR training, with the addition of the 10 hours of required consultation.
Three to four weeks separate the 2-day training sessions. This allows participants to practice what they are learning and begin integrating this model into work with clients. You only miss three Fridays from work.
Ten (10) hours of consultation is required for completion of EMDR basic training, and supports the participants’ use of EMDR therapy with clients. The required consultation is provided as part of the training, with no additional cost. Some of the consultation takes place during the training weekends with the remainder held in person, online or by phone with the trainer or facilitator, and is scheduled as convenient for the trainer and each group of trainees.
Attendance at all days of training and consultation is required for completion of EMDR Basic Training. There are no opportunities to make up for missed lectures or practice. Any missed consultation sessions must be made up at the participant’s extra expense.
The training group is limited in size to allow for comfortable and personalized learning. Participants will be expected to be prepared for the training by completing the required reading before and during the training. Participants may have homework assignments between training sessions to begin to implement the eight phases of EMDR therapy. This is designed to prepare clinicians for the effective, safe and confident use of EMDR therapy in the clinical setting.
Prior to first day of training, participants are required to read the following:
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy, Basic Principles, Protocols, and Procedures, 3rd Edition, by Francine Shapiro (2017) (please read the first three chapters of this text prior to your first weekend of training, and the remainder through the rest of the training)
- Please review the EMDRIA Professional Code of Conduct at The EMDR International Association is the professional organization that is dedicated to the highest standards of excellence and integrity in EMDR.
- Please review the EMDRIA definition of EMDR therapy, which can be found online at–content/uploads/2020/04/EMDRIADefinitionofEMDR.pdf
- Please review the EMDR Training Eligibility Requirements (as you are personally responsible for the representations made in your registration forms) at
- Please review the EMDRIA Guidelines for Virtual EMDR Therapy at
- Please review the Journal of EMDR Research Practice and Research Volume 13 Issue 4
- Please review the Racial Trauma and EMDR issue of EMDRIA Go With That Magazine Fall 2020, Volume 25, Issue 3, at: (– content/uploads/2021/05/GWT.2020.Vol_.25.Issue_.3.RacialTrauma.ALL_.pdf)
- Please review the current list of EMDR related research citations can be found online at–info/research–lists/
- Please review information regarding EMDRIA membership and programming (including questions about certification in EMDR therapy) at–emdria/emdria–membership/
- Please complete and submit the required quiz regarding this material prior to the first full day of training by 8:00 AM.
As noted above, ten (10) hours of consultation is required for completion of EMDR basic training, and supports the participants’ use of EMDR therapy with clients.
Four (4) hours of the required ten (10) hours of consultation will be conducted during the training hours. The remaining six (6) hours of consultation will be provided between training weekends, with one 2-hour group after the training, scheduled at the convenience of the trainer and participants. Any scheduled consultation missed by the participant must be made up at the participant’s own expense.
Basic EMDR training is not complete until all ten (10) hours of consultation are complete.
The EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) allows a limited time to complete your EMDR Basic Training.
Beginning in 2020, “virtual” EMDR Basic Training must be completed within twelve (12) months of the start of the training. This includes ALL 50 hours of the training (20 hours of lecture, 20 hours of practicum, and 10 hours of consultation).
- List 2 research studies relevant to EMDR therapy
- List 3 types of client’s presenting issues that have been successfully treated with EMDR therapy
- Name 3 proposed mechanisms of action in EMDR therapy
- Describe an important premise of the Adaptive Information Processing model
- List the components of memory
- Name the 8 phases of EMDR and the Three-Pronged Protocol of EMDR therapy
- Describe 3 readiness criteria for Phase 4 Desensitization
- Describe techniques to identify dysfunctionally stored memories underlying presenting problems
- Describe at least one purpose for Phase 2 Preparation and use of preparation exercises
- Distinguish between state change and trait change in EMDR therapy
- Describe the Assessment Phase, its elements and its purpose in reprocessing
- Describe how to conduct Phases 4-6 of EMDR therapy
- Describe how to conduct Phases 7 and 8
- Describe three strategies for assisting a client to stay within the window of tolerance
- Describe processing of present triggers and when to apply the future template
- Describe 3 strategies to treat complex trauma-related disorders
- Describe 3 client factors that indicate the need for additional stabilization and resourcing
- Describe the 3 different types of resources used in Resource Development and Installation
- Distinguish between EMD, restricted reprocessing and the EMDR standard protocol
- Distinguish between a recent traumatic experience and developmental trauma
- Describe how to offer a cognitive interweave when the client’s reprocessing is blocked
- Describe 3 strategies for dealing with highly emotional responses
- Describe 3 ways that EMDR therapy facilitates cultural responsiveness
- Name 3 adverse cultural experiences that can contribute to maladaptive memory networks
- Distinguish when to use memory reprocessing versus psychological first aid with grief related issues
- Distinguish between a simple phobia and a process phobia
- Describe 2 clinical symptoms that may indicate the presence of dissociation during a session
- Describe 3 strategies for working with dissociative responses during EMDR therapy
- Identify one category of experiences appropriate for reprocessing with combat veterans
The EMDR Development Center is an EMDRIA-approved training provider (#13021) and this program is approved for 40.0 EMDRIA Credits. The fee for CEs is included in your registration fee. It is the participants’ responsibility to check with their individual state boards to verify CE requirements for their state. is the provider of 40.0 CEs. Certificates are awarded online after completion of the program. Participants print their own certificate after registering at, entering a keycode, completing a test, and an evaluation form. Participants who complete the program may send an email to, who will verify the participant’s completion of the program and provide their keycode. ( logo will be included in the advertisement.) is approved by:
- The American Psychological Association (APA) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
- Florida Certification Board
- The Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling Provider #852 BAP-Expires 3/31/2025
- The California Board of Behavioral Sciences. The California Board of Behavioral Sciences, BBS, recognizes relevant course work/training that has been approved by nationally recognized certifying bodies, such as APA, to satisfy renewal requirements.
- California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP) Provider Number OS-12-174-0225 Expires 02-2025
- The Texas Board of Social Work Examiners – meets the requirements for acceptable continuing education. Effective 1/1/24, at least half of the 30 hours must be obtained from a provider listed in 801.261(f). This course meets that requirement.
- The Texas Board of Professional Counselors – meets the requirements for acceptable continuing education. Effective 1/1/24, at least half of the 30 hours must be obtained from a provider listed in 801.261(f). This course meets that requirement.
- The Texas Board of Marriage & Family Therapists – meets the requirements for acceptable continuing education. Effective 1/1/24, at least half of the 30 hours must be obtained from a provider listed in 801.261(f). This course meets that requirement.
- Massachusetts Authorization Number: (TBD)
- Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board – Approval from a state licensing board for counselors, social workers, marriage and family therapists is accepted by the OH CSWMFTB.
- New York Social Work Board – is recognized by the New York State Education
Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0120. - New York Mental Health Practitioners Board, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors. #MHC-0260.
- New York Psychology Board, Inc. is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0211
- Oklahoma Board of Behavioral Health Licensure (LPCs, LMFTs and LBCs)
- South Carolina – is approved by the S.C. Board of Examiners for Licensure of Professional Counselors, Marriage & Family Therapist, Addiction Counselors, and Psycho-Educational Specialists (#4696).
- Illinois – is a registered social work CE sponsor by the State of Illinois. License 159.001607 Expires 11/30/2025
- The Florida Board of Nursing (CE Provider #: 50-4896) Expires 10/31/2024 Do not send certificates to the Florida Board of Nursing. You must keep this certificate for 4 years.
- The California Board of Registered Nursing. CEP 15647 Expires 11/30/2024.
- This course is NOT available for NBCC credit
- This training does not offer ASWB ACE credit to social workers.
To contact, go to:
1398 SW 160th Ave.
Sunrise, FL 33326, USA,
Phone: 954-290-8446

To contact the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA), go to:
7000 N Mopac Expressway, Ste. 200
Austin, Texas 78731-3013
Phone: 512-451-5200